
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-II

Dr. Manimay Ghosh/OM – 1 year Executive MBA/24.9.2018 Page 2

Operations Management
Faculty NameManimay Ghosh,, 6647737
Program1 year MBA (Executive Post Graduate Degree), FT
Academic Year and Term2018-2019, Term 2

1. Course Objective: The scope of OM ranges from strategic to tactical and operational levels. Representative strategic issues include determining the forecasting, capacity, location, and layout of manufacturing plants. Tactical issues include aggregate planning. Operational issues include, inventory management, quality control, MRP, and Lean Manufacturing.

2. Learning Outcomes: On successfully completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.4. Demonstrate understanding of elements of operations.

3. Required Text Book:
Operations Management, Stevensons, 12th Ed, McGraw Hill

4. Tentative Session Plan:
Session No.
ForecastingChap 3
Capacity PlanningChap 5
Plant LocationChap 8
Plant Layout Chap 6
Inventory ManagementChap 13
Aggregate Planning Chap 11
MRPChap 12
Quality ManagementChap 10
Lean ManufacturingChap 14
Group Presentation
5. Evaluation:
1. Quiz 1 (Individual) : 15 %
2. Quiz 2 (Individual) : 15 %
3. Class attendance/participation : 10 %
4. Assignment (group) : 20 %
5. Final exam (hard copy) : 40 %
TOTAL : 100 %

6. Academic Integrity: Utmost care is taken as to maintain class decorum, follow the exact evaluation norms, conduct fair examinations, fair and transparent evaluation of examination papers so as to maintain the highest level of academic integrity.

7. Assignment: Each group (3 members per group) has to critique, present the article from an academic journal (published between 2012-17), and submit a report. The article selected can be from any one of the following areas:
a. Forecasting
b. Capacity
c. Plant location
d. Plant layout
e. Lean manufacturing
f. Quality management
g. Inventory management

The typed report should not be more than 4 pages long (excluding the cover page). You should summarize the article and comment on its strengths and weaknesses. On the cover page, you must mention the title of the article, author’s name, journal name, year of publication, volume no, issue no. and page no and each individual’s name with roll nos. A soft copy of the report is required.

Secretary: Mrs Seema Nayak, Extn 821, Old Academic Block
Created By: Alora Kar on 09/28/2018 at 10:03 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-II Doctype: Document
