Serial Review: Documents are routed for review one at a time, in sequence to the reviewers chosen by the author.
o All edits are made within the same document, but an unedited copy of the original document is also saved.
Serial Review (keep all revisions): Documents are routed for review one at a time, in sequence to the reviewers chosen by the author.
o Edits are made within a copy of the original, which also includes all comments from previous reviewers
o All old versions become response documents (as well as a copy of the original)
Document Reservations: Requests for document review are routed in parallel (that is, all at the same time). When one reviewer opens the document, a "file locking" occurs at the server which warns any other user who happens to edit the document that a review is in progress.
o Review comments or edits are made into a copy of the original document
o As with the others, a clean copy of the original is always kept
Response Review: Same as Document Reservations (but with no file locking).
o Review comments or edits are saved as response documents to the original document.
o As with the others, a clean copy of the original is always kept