Integrated Marketing Communications ( XMBA 2015 - 2016)
Instructor: Prof. M. N. Tripathi
Room No.222, Telephone Ext.822
From outside: Direct Phone 6647822
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To introduce students to the entire gamut of Marketing Communications and their concepts, theories, strategies, methods and tools with a view to enabling them to plan, create, implement and judge good marketing communications as well as to be familiar with all types of marketing communications in their role as advertisers and users. The course shall also give the participants a perspective of media and its strategic use in designing good IMC campaigns for any company.


Particpants after going through the course should be able to

a) understand and appreciate the concepts and tools for an IMC programme
b) appreciate the multiplicity of communication possibilities and the advatages and limitations of each communication route
c) understand and appreciate the media options available and to make best use of each
d) understand the legal and ethical implications in the communications area
e) understand the broad functioning of an advertising agency and what it can bring to the table


1) There shall be 10 sessions of 2 hours each.

2) Pedagogy used would be lectures, discussions, presentations, audio-visuals and case studies.

3) It is expected that students would have studied the background readings and books given for each class before coming to class.


1) Perspectives on IMC and role of IMC in Marketing Strategy.
2) Advertising Planning and Decision Making.
3) Advertising Goals and Objectives
4) Communication Models and Advertising Research
5) Attention and Comprehension,Consumer Attitudes
6) Associated feelings
7) Media - Mix, Usage, Selection, Strategy
8) The Agency Business.
9) Sales Promotion.
10) Public Relations
11) Evaluation of Advertising, Laws, Recent Trends.


Session No.To be coveredReadingsCase
1Introduction to Marketing Communications, structure of the Advertising industry, Ethical and Social issues, the Role of the Brand managerChapters 1- Clow & Baack

Intro to IMC.ppt
2 The Role of Advertising, Advertising Objectives and Goals, Advertising BudgetingSetting the objectivemnt
Setting the Advertising Objectivemnt
Setting Advertising Goalsmnt
How much to spend on Advertising?mnt
Advertising Planning.ppt
3Communication Models, Streams of Advertising Research and its applicationsChapter 5 - BatraCommunication models and Advertising research.ppt
Du Darfst
4Getting attention, Zipping and zapping, Forming perceptions and attitudes, theories governing comprehension, Weber's LawChapters 7 &8 - BatraAttention and Comprehension.ppt
5The impact of Affect in advertising,Types and effects of 'Feeling' adsChapter 9 - Batra
Back to Advertising Basics

Total Cereal
Associated Feelings.ppt
6Creative approaches to advertising. When and how to use it?Chapter 6 & 7 - Clow & BaackCreative Approaches.ppt
7Selection of advertising agency, agency operations, building relationships, agency compensationChapter 5 - Clow & Baack
The Role of the advertising agencymnt
Getting the best out of your ad agency?mnt
A&A Electric Ltd. of India
The agency business.ppt
8Basics of media planning, media selection, media strategy and tactics, current trends in the indian media industryChapters 5 & 8 - Clow & Baack
Size and Frequencymnt
9When and how to do SalesPromotion, Types of SP,Strategies for SP,Guideline for an effective SP campaign
Objectives of PR, What PR can and cannot do, PR as part of an IMC programme
Chapter 9 & 10 - Clow & Baack
Definition of Promotionmnt
Chapter 12 - Clow & Baack
Public Relationsmnt
Public Relations.pptSales Promotion.ppt
10Evaluation of advertising, laws and norms governing the advertising industry, code of advertising ethics, Evaluation of an IMC programChaper 18 - Batra
Chapter 15 - Clow & Baack
Advertising Regulation.ppt


    Class participation
    Quizzes @15% two
    End term


All participants are expected to attend classes regularly. Penalty for unauthorised absence from class shall be awarded as per the MoP for students

No advance notice may be given for the quizzes. It could be on the course material, readings and/ or a case analysis. Absence on quiz days shall entail loss of grade point weightage for the quiz. No requests for makeups is going to be entertained.

The project assigned would be an individual project and the output should reflect original and independent work.

Readings, text and cases for the classes are expected to have been studied before coming to class so that meaning ful discussion can take place. Class participation marks shall be given on quality of participation.



Integrated Advertising Promotion
and Marketing Communications Clow & Baack
Marketing Management Philip Kotler
Advertising Management Batra, Myers, Aaker
Planning for Power Advertising Anand Bhaskar Halve
Principles of Advertising & IMC Tom Duncan
Selected Readings on special topics


Brand Equity
Business India
Business World
Business Today

adslides.docBRAND STOCK.pptHistory of Indian Advertising.pptInsight mining II.pptmedia.pptNet Advertising.ppt