Attn: Everyone

From: Dean's Office
Date: 6-12-2007
[RTS] Pursuing Doctoral Research

Research Training Seminar 5.14

Topic of the seminar: "Pursuing Doctoral Research in Natural and Social Sciences:
How Can Study of Philosophy Help?"

Dr. Prajit K. Basu, Reader, University of Hyderabad

Date of the seminar: 7th December, 2007; Time : 2:30 p.m.
 Venue : CR-2

The kind of help that philosophy can extend while pursuing research in natural and social sceinces indeed can be varied.  The idea of a doctoral research is to get initiated into a certain way of looking at questions that interest us. It is getting used to asking uncomfortable questions to ourselves.  These questions may relate to the objects of investigation and then the worry is are those really out there or are those in some way helpful.  The worry is also concerning how do we establish that the objects are out there?  While the first set of worry about objects are ontological and metaphysical questions, the second set of worry concerns epistemology or theory of knowledge. There is also the question of what methods we need to employ to investigate the objects and the relations among them. The important methodological debates of the last few centuries are a result of such worry.  We'll explore together whether some interesting questions arise if we apply our analytical tools in understanding what is this thing called reasearch.  And these analytical tools are not prerogative of only philosophers but anyone who is self-reflective.

Dr Prajit Basu has the unique distinction of having a double doctorate in both the natural and social sciences (from IISc and Universityof Iowa) and is currently attached to the philosophy department of Universityof Hyderabad. He has worked extensively on history and philosophy of science and technology.

All are welcome!

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