Attn: PGP - II

From: Amar KJR Nayak
Date: 28-1-2010
Strategic Management

Dear Students,

Instead of individually submitting your case analysis of Tata Motors, you are to submit the case analysis in groups. However, each group has to analyze the case from the perspectives of Production, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Technology (IT & Systems),  and Governance. The length of the Assignment shall be between 10-12 pages.  The deadline for submission is 2nd February 2010, 5 PM. The report is to be submitted to Pratyush, Room # 130, CENDERET Building (extn-738). 

On 29th Janauary, we shall discuss Cost, Focus, and Differentiation on 29th January; hence read the relevant paper(s) on these topics. Please note that the Guest Lecture scheduled on 29th January has been rescheduled on January 01, 2010.

Best wishes,


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