Research World, Volume 4, 2007
Online Version
[A4.1] Training for Research (Jacob D. Vakkayil)
[A4.2] Doctoral Summer School 2007: Fundamentals of Management Research (D. P. Dash & C. D. Kuruvilla)
Seminar Reports
[R4.1] On Entering the Research World (D. P. Dash)
[R4.2] Change Research (Anupam Saraph)
[R4.3] Studying Online/Offline and Global/Local Intersections: Where the World is Actually not Flat (Radhika Gajjala)
[R4.4] Modelling Agriculture in India: Historiography of Technology and Colonialism (Modugu Sridhar)
[R4.5] Propaganda and Research (C. D. Kuruvilla & Madhavi Latha Nandi)
[R4.6] Statistical Learning Theory (S. Ramasubramanian)
[R4.7] The Modern Prince and the Modern Sage: Transforming Power and Freedom and . . . (Ananta K. Giri)
[R4.8] Social Shaping of Research Results (Wiebe E. Bijker)
[R4.9] Doing Research on Attitude: Requirements of a Cross-Cultural Method (Neharika Vohra)
[R4.10] Research Topics and Research Designs in Information Systems (Radhika Santhanam)
[R4.11] E-Government and Decentralisation (Research Proposal) (T. Kumar)
[R4.12] Creative Research / Creating Possibility for Action (Elinor W. Gadon)
[R4.13] Evaluating e-Procurement Strategies: A Game-Theoretic Approach (Amit Agrahari)
[R4.14] Research on Organisational Change: Social Network Perspective (Niharika Rai)
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