Research World, Volume 5, 2008
Online Version
[A5.1] Research Training in Perspective: Transformations in Individual Researcher (Badrinarayan S. Pawar)
[A5.2] Doctoral Summer School 2008: Models in Research (D. P. Dash & Amar Patnaik)
Seminar Reports
[R5.1] Research Thinking in Management (D. P. Dash)
[R5.2] On Entering Doctoral Research (Jacob D. Vakkayil)
[R5.3] Qualitative Challenges of a Quantitative Thesis (S. S. Ganesh)
[R5.4] Communicating Research (Sunil K. Mohanty)
[R5.5] Role of Science and Methodology in Development Studies (Greg Demirchyan)
[R5.6] Assessing Contributions of Case-Study Research (Tirthankar Nag)
[R5.7] Understanding Research and Theory Development (Anand Agrawal)
[R5.8] Research Training Seminars at XIMB: Experiences and Expectations (D. P. Dash)
[R5.9] Research on Artificial Intelligence: Issues in Science and Philosophy (Rajakishore Nath)
[R5.10] Doing Research With Time-Series Data (Jaydeep Mukherjee)
[R5.11] Experiencing Agricultural Innovation: The Journey of an Amateur Researcher (Koen Beumer)
[R5.12] The Road Less Taken: The Trials and Travails of a Doctoral Journey (Manish Singhal)
[R5.13] Publishing Doctoral Work (Paromita Goswami)
[R5.14] Pursuing Doctoral Research: How the Study of Philosophy Can Help (Prajit K. Basu)
[R5.15] Doing Research From the Grounded Theory Perspective (Somendra Pant)
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