Research World, Volume 8, 2011
Online Version
§ Seminar Reports
[S8.1] Introduction to Types of Research Inquiry (Panel Discussion)
[S8.2] Research on the Political Economy of Development and Electricity Sector Reform (Sunila S. Kale)
[S8.3] Dynamics of Demographic Change and Economic Development: New Methods and New Results (Tapas Mishra)
[S8.4] Writing an Effective Research Proposal: Addressing Risks at Different Stages of Research (R. Nageswar Rao)
[S8.5] Conducting Interpretive Research: Experience of Small-Scale Hydroelectric Schemes in India (Johanna Höffken)
[S8.6] Gender-Sensitive Budget Analysis (Sanjib Kumar Basu)
[S8.7] Theoretical Perspectives in Marketing (Saji K. B. Nair)
[S8.8] Autonomy and Work Motivation: An Experiment Indicating Cultural Difference (Ritu Tripathi)
[S8.9] Analysing Cases on Business Turnaround Strategies (Githa S. Heggde)
[S8.10] Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: A Study of Social Networks in the Handloom Industry (Suresh Bhagavatula)
[S8.11] Multidimensional Poverty and the State of Child Health in India (Sanjay Kumar Mohanty)
[S8.12] Publishing Doctoral Work (Rakesh Gupta)
[S8.13] Explaining Economic Phenomena (Kunal Sen)
§ Links & Resources
[L8.1] Resources for Research Students
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