Marketing Management

Executive MBA 2015 - 16
Instructor : Prof M N Tripathi
Room No. 22, Ext 822,
Direct telephone: 0674-6647822
Fax: 0674 - 2300995

Course Outline


This is a basic course in Marketing. Participants would be introduced to the principles and concepts in Marketing that would enable them to understand and tackle the multiple tasks and roles for achievement of marketing objectives in an organization. It aims to develop the necessary skill sets to tackle marketing applications under different business situations. This is also the basic course for all non-marketing professionals to get a deeper appreciation of the function and how it relates to their own functional roles in the organization.

Learning Objectives

Participants after completing this course should be able to

a) understand and appreciate the basic concepts of marketing and apply it to real life situations
b) appreciate and analyse real life cases in the industry/marketing context
c) apply marketing tools to real life context and strategise accordingly
d) understand and appreciate the nuances of consumer behaviour


It shall include selected readings and cases. The pedagogy would be a combination of lecture sessions and case discussions. The course participants are expected to read all the background readings before coming to class so that they can effectively participate in classroom discussion. It is expected that all participants must sufficiently be knowledgeable enough to discuss meaningfully in class to internalise the various nuances in the concepts. Much of the learning shall come from classroom discussions, hence attendance in all classes is mandatory.

The course would be covered in 27 sessions of 90 minutes each.

The following topics would be covered in the sessions


  • Introduction to Marketing - Needs and wants, Marketing Myopia
  • Marketing Mix, PLC Segmentation and Positioning
  • Competition
  • Marketing Research and sales Forecasting
  • Brand Management
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • B2B Marketing
  • Product development, Packaging
  • Services marketing
  • Pricing
  • Distribution and Logistics
  • Retailing
  • Sales Management
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Global Marketing
  • Monitoring and Control

Session Plan

SessionTo be coveredReadingsCase
1&2Introduction to marketing, Orientations to the market, Needs and wants,Marketing Myoepia, Strategic Planning Models, Customer value and satisfaction, Customer Lifetime valueChapters 1,2 & 5
Marketing Myoepia
Introduction to Marketing MM I.ppt
Strategic Marketing Planning.ppt
The Case of Re-invention
3&4Consumer Decision Processes , what influences Consumer Behaviour?, CompetitionChapter 6
Cons Beh.pptCompetition.pptx
Casting the net wider
5Understanding marketing mix, marketing segmentation, Market targeting and target marketing, Segmentation strategiesChapter 8
What the hell is Market Oriented?
Beyond Market Segmentation
What the hell is Market Oriented.pdfBEYOND MARKET SEGMENTATION_Norman.doc
Targeting & Segmentation.ppt
6&7Product differentiation, Differentiation strategies, Positioning stances, positioning strategies , Product life cycleChapter 11 &12
Positioning Revisited

Positioning and PLC.ppt
Haldiram's Group - seeking the right marketing mix
8&9Marketing Research -Quantitative and qualitative, The MR process, Demand estimation, sales forecasting, forecasting methodsChapters 3&4

Marketing Research and Sales Forecasting.ppt
The MR process.ppt
10&11Brand management, Brand building, brand equityChapter 10
Brand Management MMI.ppt
Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd: Cherry Blossom Boot Polish
12&13Industrial marketing, Analysing business markets, Differences betwen industrial and consumer buyingChapter 7
SessionTo be coveredReadingsCase
14Product Mix Strategies, PackagingProduct  Management.ppt
15Product ManagementGoodyear: The Aquatred launch (Condensed)
16Services marketing, 7 P's of services, Characteristics of services, Service -quality strategies, Managing service brandsChapter 13
Services Marketing.ppt
17Service-Quality Strategies, Managing Service BrandsApollo Health and Lifestyle Ltd: Retail Franchising in the Health Care Industry
18Pricing, setting prices, pricing strategies, setting adapting to competitor pricingChapter 14
How to fight a price war?
How to fight a  Price War.doc
How do you know when the price is right?
How Do You Know When the Price Is Right.doc
19Pricing Strategies, adapting to competitor pricingThe Case Of the Pricing Predicament
20Channel management, selection, strategies, conflict, Physical Distribution, Wholesaling, Retailing, LogisticsChapters 15&16
Distribution and Logistics.ppt
21Physical Distribution, Wholesaling, Retailing, LogisticsAdani Wilmar
22 & 23Marketing Communication, Communication models, The role of advertising, Chapters 17&18

Marketing Communications.ppt
24Sales Promotion, PR, Direct MarketingBancough Syrup
25Selling and Sales Force ManagementChapter 19Selling and Sales Force Management.pptx
26Global MarketingChapter 21Global Marketing.pptx
27Marketing control, efficiency parameters, marketing effectiveness and audit Chapter 22
The Marketing Audit comes of age
The Marketing Audit Comes Of Age.doc
Monitoring and Control.pptChapters 17&18
Cases would be given a couple of days before it is taken up in class. Participants are advised to thoroughly analyze the case prior to coming to class. Any participant may be invited to present the case in class.


Attendance and class participation
Quizzes -2
Mid term
End term

The quizzes may be taken without notice. Participants are advised to be ready to take the quiz at any time during the classes. The tests would assess both conceptual understanding and applications.

Academic Integrity

The course has been so designed that participants are expected to do the background reading and appropriate texts before attending classes. Class participation weightage would be given for maningful participation enhancing knowledge for self and co-participants. Wherever assignments or projects are given it is expected that participants are expected to do independent work, although they may consult or discuss with others. Any form of plagiarising or copying, if discovered would be firmly dealt with and appropriate penalties given.



1) Marketing Management - A South Asian Perspective - Kotler, Keller, Koshy and Jha -12th Edition

Optional readings

1) Positioning - Al Ries and Jack Trout
2) Marketing Warfare - Al Ries and Jack Trout
3) The Hidden Persuaders - Vance Packard

Magazines and Newspapers

1) Business India
2) Business World
3) Business Today
4) Brand Equity

1)The Economic Times
2)The Financial Express
3)The Business Standard