Research World, Volume 2, 2005
Online Version
[A2.1] Welcome to the Research World (D. P. Dash)
[A2.2] Doctoral Summer School 2005: Research Thinking and Practice (Jacob D. Vakkayil)
Seminar Reports
[R2.1] Research and Improvement of Coordination (D. P. Dash)
[R2.2] Research and Management of Knowledge (D. P. Dash)
[R2.3] Research in Power Sector Regulation (V. Ranganathan)
[R2.4] Research on the Effects of Information Technology on Alienation at Workplace (Suneeta Mishra)
[R2.5] Probability, Induction, and the Logic of Research (Part I) (D. P. Dash)
[R2.6] Knowledge and Human Liberation: Jürgen Habermas, Sri Aurobindo, and Beyond (Ananta Kumar Giri)
[R2.7] Probability, Induction, and the Logic of Research (Part II) (D. P. Dash)
[R2.8] Current Practices in Market Research (Susmita Misra)
[R2.9] Case-Oriented Learning: A Pragmatic Approach (Parameshwar P. Iyer)
[R2.10] Management Research: Logics and Languages (D. P. Dash)
[R2.11] Research in Technology Management (Alok Chakrabarti)
[R2.12] Research on Advertising and Entrepreneurship (Subodh Bhat)
[R2.13] Dynamics of Professional Practice: Learnings from the Accounting Profession (M. K. Samal)
[R2.14] Research on Workflow Management (Arindam Mukherjee)
[R2.15] Communication Skills in Research (K. Ravikiran Sharma)
[R2.16] Research in Practice: Doing Case Study Research (Thillai Rajan A.)
[R2.17] Quantitative Empirical Analysis in Management Research (V. Nagi Reddy)
[R2.18] Reconciling Relevance and Rigour: The Rocky Road of Research in Professional Fields (Kajri Misra)
[R2.19] Importance of Self-awareness in Developing Research Skills (Snigdha Pattnaik)
[R2.20] Research on Ownership and Performance of Indian Manufacturing Companies (B. Venkata Phani)
[R2.21] An Approach to Study Culture and Globalisation (Anjali Gera Roy)
[R2.22] Options and Choices in the Doctoral Research Process (Jaydeep Mukherjee)
[R2.23] Research in Marketing: Ensuring New Product Success (Jaydeep Mukherjee)
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