Research World, Volume 6, 2009
Online Version
§ Articles on Doctoral Education
[A6.1] What I Learnt From My Experience in a Doctoral Programme (Ramasubramanian Sundararajan)
[A6.2] Research is Like Sailing on a Sea (Anand Agrawal)
[A6.3] Research World: A Forum for Learning Through Unlearning (D. V. Ramana)
§ Seminar Reports
[S6.1] On Entering a Doctoral Programme (Panel Discussion)
[S6.2] The Calling of Practical Spirituality: Learning, Participation, and Transformation (Ananta Kumar Giri)
[S6.3] Irrigation Research: Balancing Technical and Social Factors (Chitra Krishnan)
[S6.4] Research as a Gendered Practice (Elinor W. Gadon)
[S6.5] Research on Performance of Credit Cooperatives (Biswa Swarup Misra)
[S6.6] Research and Technology for Development: Mapping the Context of Agriculture Policy of Orissa, 2008 (Sumita Sindhi)
[S6.7] Research on Distribution Channel Management (Githa Heggde)
[S6.8] Trajectory of a Scholarly Discourse: Case of International Relations (Sophia Johnson)
[S6.9] Intellectual Property Rights Regime: Implications for Scientific Research in India (Sambit Mallick)
[S6.10] Conducting an Empirical Research Project (Malay Kumar Dey)
[S6.11] Research Issues in Marketing (Joy Mukhopadhyay)
[S6.12] Corporate Accounting Scams: Some Lessons From the Satyam Debacle (Panel Discussion)
[S6.13] The Theory of Constraints: Research Opportunities (Raman Kumar Agrawalla)
[S6.14] Scientific Publications: Monologue and Multilogue Disseminations (Montanus C. Milanzi)
§ Links & Resources
[L6.1] Resources for Research Students
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