Article S10.1 Visibility and Impact of Research Publications Seminar Leader: D. P. Dash Faculty of Business and Design Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia ddash[at] Published Online: April 24, 2013 Note. This is a reflective report on a seminar led by Professor D. P. Dash at Xavier Institute of Management on December 26, 2012. The discussions started from bibliometric measures of research impact and gradually moved towards visualising alternative notions of impact, highlighting the need for research and innovation in this domain. The need for assessing research quality and impact arises in several institutional contexts, where decisions need to be made on research funding, recruitment/tenure/promotion of research staff, strategies for enhancing research quality, and so forth. Traditionally, assessment by knowledgeable peers has been the common way to evaluate either quality or impact of research. However, academic and research institutions have a need for a more objective and transparent way to assess research. This need has been served by the so-called Journal Impact Factor (or simply Impact Factor, developed by The Institute for Scientific Information, which is known as Thomson Reuters now); it uses citation data from the journals listed in the Web of ScienceSM database--the data are presented annually in the Journal Citation Reports®. Impact Factors are calculated for every journal listed in the database, by dividing the number of current year citations by the number of peer-reviewed items published in that journal during the previous 2 years. Over the years, some alternatives have emerged to the citation-based impact factor computed by Thomson Reuters. However, citation-based assessment of the quality and impact of research publications has become a norm in academic and research institutions. Journals with high impact factors are perceived as high-quality journals and getting published in such journals is considered a matter of prestige. However, a number of doubts have been raised as to the validity and usefulness of this measure, especially if this journal-level measure is applied at the author-level, such as in recruitment or promotion decisions (for an overview of this issue, see Dash & Ulrich, 2012, Section 4, “Formal Methods of Journal Assessment” and Section 5, “Beyond Bibliometrics”). First of all, the excessive importance given by academic institutions to the impact factor has led to the phenomenon of “impact factor engineering,” a fact acknowledged by Thomson Reuters. This includes a variety of legitimate and illegitimate methods of increasing citation counts, such as adding more editorials, letters, and responses (and such other items which attract citations but are not counted in the denominator of the impact factor ratio), publishing more review articles (which tend to receive more citations than other types of article), and other alarming trends, such as encouraging “citation cartels,” and requiring authors to cite specific articles, a phenomenon known as “coercive citation.” Due to such drawbacks, one needs to be careful while using impact factors. Assessing the quality and impact of a research outcome--whether a peer-reviewed journal article or a curated artefact, which is considered a legitimate research outcome in the art and design field--need not be restricted to counting citations alone. Relevance and impact of research can also be visualised in many other ways, such as (a) relevance in research education and research practice, (b) relevance in professional development and professional practice, and (c) relevance in public policy and administration. The goal of increasing visibility, relevance, and impact of our research can be facilitated by developing constructive engagement with potential users/beneficiaries of our research from an early stage (rather than developing research outcomes independently and hoping that these will be noticed and used by others, although even this may not be ruled out). One way to do this will be to involve knowledgeable peers (including peers from industry, professions, and government) as reviewers of our work-in-progress. This or any other form of peer-engagement can contribute to enhance our research. Publishing our research in digital repositories (such as open-access journals) is likely to increase both visibility and use. Thanks to the initiative of Google Scholar Citations, gradually more and more author-level citation data are becoming available, as well as author-level quality indicators such as h-index. In this environment, it is strategically important to ensure that our research outcomes are visible/accessible through the Web. Comments From the Audience Concept Hierarchy. Different research articles relate to different levels of understanding. Some articles may relate to fundamental and root-level concepts (e.g., articles contributing to the main conceptual categories in a field of research), whereas some may relate to concepts at a logically narrower level (e.g., subcategories). Citations to these different groups of articles should not be counted at par. Need to Verify Data and Assumptions. Sometimes interesting and useful articles are found in average journals (i.e., journals with no or low impact factor). The converse is also true: Sometimes highly ranked journals publish articles of doubtful merit. There is a need to verify the quality of the data and the correctness of the assumptions underlying citation-based ranking of journals (MacRoberts & MacRoberts, 1989). This could even be a topic for doctoral research. Direct Impact on Society. Rather than counting the number of citations, can we think of research articles as vehicles for direct impact on society and environment? Can we create new criteria for measuring impact, relating the research output to the direct impact on the ground? Thousands of journals are publishing million-plus articles every year (see, e.g., Jinha, 2010; Larsen & von Ins, 2010). How to measure the impact of this activity on our lives? This could be a topic for doctoral research too. Politics of Knowledge. It is possible to interpret the topic from a postcolonial perspective. What does the geographical origins of the high-impact-factor journals tell us about the politics of knowledge? Can the impact factor be seen as a force of imperialism that serves to keep the less-developed countries from developing their scholarship? Can these countries come up with alternative standards of research quality which are more aligned with their specific needs at the current stage of their historical evolution? Impact Through Discussion Forums and Social Media. While discussing research impact, we should not ignore the numerous other ways researchers influence each other, for example, through discussion forums, peer networks, and collaborative projects, nowadays facilitated by social media. For research thinking and research results to be conveyed more successfully, the language of research communication has to be made more accessible to a wider range of interested persons. Publishing in Highly-Ranked Journals. The experience of publishing in highly-ranked journals is worth discussing. On the one hand, it demands focused hard work and perseverance, thus leading to the formation of important research capabilities. However, it also requires institutions to enable their research-oriented staff with time, resources, and incentives, which requires high investment with uncertain returns. Impact of Consulting. When the results of consulting influence our thinking about a discipline or its theories, we may recognise it as a form of research. Of course, since consulting is paid work, giving it credit as research too frequently could lead academics away from the non-commercial pursuit of knowledge. References Dash, D. P., & Ulrich, W. (2012). Introducing new editorial roles and measures: Making the Journal of Research Practice relevant to researchers. Journal of Research Practice, 8(1), Article E1. Retrieved from Jinha, A. E. (2010). Article 50 million: An estimate of the number of scholarly articles in existence. Learned Publishing, 23(3), 258-263. Larsen, P. O., & von Ins, M. (2010). The rate of growth in scientific publication and the decline in coverage provided by Science Citation Index. Scientometrics, 84(3), 575-603. Retrieved from MacRoberts, M. H., & MacRoberts, B. R. (1989). Problems of citation analysis: A critical review. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 40(5), 342-349. This version is based on the original report by Sandip Anand and D. P. Dash, with inputs from, Krishna Priya, Biresh Sahoo, Banikanta Misha, C. Shambu Prasad, Satyendra C. Pandey, and Mahendra K. Shukla; edited by D. P. Dash. [April 24, 2013] Copyleft Xavier Institute of Management, Xavier Square, Bhubaneswar 751013, India Research World (ISSN 0974-2379) |