Registration Closed June 4, 2005 | Doctoral Summer School (DSS 2005) Theme: Research Thinking & Practice | |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Duration One week Dates June 4-9, 2005 * A Report on DSS 2005 Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB), is one of the top Indian institutions of higher learning in management. Apart from maintaining high-quality post-graduate education in different areas of management, the Institute also invests in building research and innovative capacity in organisations and communities in India. XIMB is currently taking the initiative to revitalise doctoral-level education in management and related disciplines. The Doctoral Summer School is a part of this initiative. | Programme A Doctoral Summer School was arranged at Bhubaneswar for doctoral scholars in management and related disciplines, enrolled at any university/institute. Academic colleagues from postgraduate institutions were also welcome to participate. Objectives Overall: To reflect on the meaning and significance of doctoral-level education and explore innovative forms of research in management and related areas Supporting: (i) To become aware of the vital contribution of research in the process of civilisation and appreciate the possibility of alternative paths of research; (ii) To explore the beliefs, assumptions, worldviews, and personal characteristics that make up a researcher's identity; (iii) To start acquiring the information, resources, and various practical skills necessary for becoming a competent and innovative researcher Schedule (tentative) Day 1: Opening Session; Images of Research and Researcher; Reflections of a Researcher Day 2: Spirit of Inquiry and Learning; Research Process; Presentation of Research Proposal Day 3: Self-awareness; Presentation of Research Proposal Day 4: Academic Writing; Breeds of Research; Presentation of Research Proposal Day 5: Border Crossing in Research; Issues in Mgmt. Research Day 6: Research Skills; Closing Session Participants 1. Kunal Ganguly, IBAT, Faculty, OM/DS, kunalganguly1<AT> 2. Raghunath Rudran, TAPMI, Faculty, OM/DS, raghunath<AT> 3. Kumar T., IRMA, Rural Management, f032<AT> 4. Sushil Pare, SVIM, Indore, Faculty, Marketing, paresushil<AT> 5. Prateek Sharma, SVIM, Indore, Faculty, GM, prateeksharma14<AT> 6. Vijaya Bandyopadhyaya, IBAT, Faculty, OM/DS, vijaya<AT> 7. Ellora Panda, IBAT, Faculty, Communication, panda_ellora<AT> 8. Satyabrata Dash, Berhampur University, Marketing, dash3005<AT> 9. Sarbani Mitra, IISWBM, Faculty, Environmental Mgmt., mitra_sarbani<AT> 10. Chandan Parhi, IBAT, Faculty, Banking/Insurance, chandanparhi<AT> 11. Jacob D. Vakkayil, XIMB, Knowledge Mgmt., jacobdvakkayil<AT> 12. Srikant Panigrahy, XIMB, Market Research, panigrahysrikant<AT> | |
VENUE: Xavier Institute of Management, Xavier Square, Bhubaneswar 751013, INDIA Email: dpdash<AT> |