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Gopal K Nayak
on 08/14/2003 at 08:28 AM
Usage Policies Usage Policies
Policy for Loading Special Academic Software on Computer Center Equipment

It is our policy to allow faculty members to have their specialized software for Institute-approved activities loaded on Computer Center file servers or other equipment. Those wishing to do so should complete a Software Installation Request and return it to the Computer Center at least one work week before the product is needed. The request should specify the course(s) to be supported, minimum hardware configuration requirements, number of work stations required, preferred installation and removal dates, evidence of a valid software license agreement, network installation information, and contact information for the faculty member.

Software installation will be done by CRC personnel unless that responsibility is specifically delegated on a case-by-case basis by the CRC Director or Assistant Director. This allows us to give full consideration to special setups of software already loaded on the equipment prior to loading the new software.

For compatibility, support, access, and security, the software should be a network version. Loading software on the LAN requires a single installation process, provides consistency for all who access it, avoids the possibility of configuration changes and/or file modification or deletion, provides copy protection, and uses standard network security. When installing unfamiliar software on specialized or scarce equipment or individual work stations, CRC conducts the installation; however, continuing service support is limited.

Several issues need to be considered when selecting software:
the hardware and system software platform required to run the package including the disk operating system, the amount of random access memory (RAM) and hard disk space required, and whether or not it can run on our local area network (LAN)? general availability of machines on campus that will run the package the latest software packages frequently require very powerful work stations to perform properly.

vendor or other support of the package that might be generally available.

suitability for the task at hand, ease of use for the intended audience, and possible application to other tasks.

[Previous Main Document]
Policies and Procedures (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Lab Rules (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer Use Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer Software And Intellectual Rights Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer Center Service Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Academic/Administrative Resource Sharing Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer Hardware and Software Troubleshooting and Repair Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Campus Internet Access Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Electronic Bulletin Board Use Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Policy for Staff Support for Students in the Computer Center Labs (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Policy for Use of Institute-Owned Computing Equipment Off-Campus (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Policy for Installation and Maintenance of Software on Individual Institute-Owned PC's (Gopal K Nayak)
Policy for Loading Special Academic Software on Computer Center Equipment (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer Center Reservations by Faculty (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer Use Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Policy for Installation and Maintenance of Software on Individual Institute-Owned PC's (Gopal K Nayak)
. . Computer Security Policy (Gopal K Nayak)
[Next Main Document]

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