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The study of Consumer Behaviour is required to build a conceptual framework to understand and permit implementation of Consumer Behaviour principles and concepts to marketing strategies. It is the study of consumers in their process of searching, purchasing, using and evaluating products, services and ideas which they expect would satisfy their needs. It is interdisciplinary and is based on concepts and theories from diverse fields like psychology, sociology, cultural, anthropology and economics. A sound understanding of Consumer Behaviour is essential for a marketing professional to design effective, suitable marketing programs. The course shall also include basic principles of Marketing Communications that would be necessary to address consumer audiences incorporating the understanding of consumer behaviour.


Particpants after attending this course should be able to

a) understand the nuances of consumer behaviour and its importance to formulating marketing strategy
b) understand the various steps in the consumer purchase decision process
c) able to understand the various influences that impact consumers when making such decisions
d) understand and appreciate the principles of marketing communication to consumer audiences
e) understand the process of innovation and the manner in which it is disseminated through society
f) have a basic understanding and the implications of consumer ethics


The course shall consist of 27-28 classes of 90 min duration. It shall be a 4 credit course and shall consist of lectures, case - discussions and project assignments.



Session TopicsReadingsCase
1 & 2Introduction to CB, Perspectives on Consumer Research, Motivation ResearchChapters 1 & 2(SKK)Intoduction to CB.pptx
3 & 4Behavioural and cultural aspects of segmentation and positioning, Planning for change, communication problemsChapter 3 & 9(SKK), Chapter 6 (BMA)Segmentation and Planning for Change.pptxDu Darfst
5 & 6Communication Models and Advertising ResearchCommunication models and Advertising research.pptx
Chapter 5 (BMA)
7Communication PlanningCommunication Planning.pptxChapter 2 (BMA)
8Consumer Decision Processes, decision making stages, Variables that shape decision making, Special categories of buying behaviourChapter 16 (SKK)Consumer Decision Processes.pptx
9Need recognition, Search dimensions, Prepurchase alternative evaluation, Purchase Chapter 4 (SKK)Need recognition, Search, Prepurchase Evaluation, Purchase.pptx
10Consumption, Post-consumption evaluation, DivestmentConsumption, Satisfaction, Divestment.pptxNorthern India Food Company
11 & 12Individual differences- Consumer resources, Knowledge,Attitude Chapter 8 (SKK)Individual Differences.pptxA shoe for every foot
13 & 14Self-concept, Personality, values, lifestyle Chapter 5 (SKK)
15,16 &17Psychological processes, Processing of information, Attention and Comprehension, LearningChapters 6 & 7 (SKK), Chapter 7 (BMA)
Psychological Processes.pptx
18 & 19Rational and Emotional CommunicationRational and Emotional communication.pptx
Chapters 9 &12 (BMA)
20 & 21Environmental Influences- Culture, Social ClassChapters 11 & 12 (SKK)Environmental Influences.pptxThe Brita Products Company
22 & 23Personal Influence, Reference groups, WOM, Family, situations Chapter 10 (SKK)
24 & 25Diffusion of Innovation - Types, diffusion variables, speed of diffusion, ethical perspectivesChapter 13 &15 (SKK)Diffusion of Innovation.pptxConsumerism and ethical responsibility.pptx
26 & 27Project presentations

Class Participation 10%
Quizzes - two 10 % each
Mid term Examination 20 %
Project 20%
End term examination 30%


All participants are expected to attend classes regularly. Penalty for unauthorised absence in class shall be enforced as per the MoP.

No prior notice shall be given for the quizzes. Those who miss the quiz may not get a make - up quiz later on.

All readings and cases are expected to be studied by the participant before the class so that meaningful discussions can take place in class. Class participation marks shall be awarded based on quality of participation.

Members working in project teams are expected to contribute towards the project equally. It is expected that all project work would be original work and plagiarising or copying in any form would be severely penalised.


Consumer Behaviour Schiffman, Kanuk and Kumar - 10th edition
Advertising ManagementAaker.Batra and Myers - 5th edition
Additional Reference Readings
Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action Henry Assael
Consumer Behaviour Runyon and Stewart
Consumer Behaviour
Integrated Advertising,Promotion and Marketing Communications
The Hidden Persuaders
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus
Engel, Blackwell and Miniard
Clow and Baack - 4th edition
Vance Packard
John Gray


Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Psychology and Marketing
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Consumer Psychology