Marketing Management

Course Instructor - Prof. M N Tripathi
Room No.222, Ext .822
e-mail -
Tel: 06746647822


This is a beginner's course in Marketing and shall cover the basics. Participants are expected to follow up on this course depending on their areas of interest in the electives that may be offered at a later stage. The course serves to familiarise participants with basic marketing concepts,environment,strategies and methodology. The aim would be to develop skill sets to tackle marketing applications under different business situations.

Course Learning Objectives

Participants after completing this course should be able to

a) understand and appreciate the basic concepts of marketing and apply it to real life situations (CLO 1)
b) appreciate and analyse real life cases in the industry/marketing context (CLO 2)
c) apply marketing tools to real life context and strategise accordingly (CLO 3)
d) understand and appreciate the nuances of consumer behaviour (CLO 4)


It shall include selected readings and cases. The pedagogy would be a combination of lecture sessions and case discussions. The course participants are expected to read all the background readings before coming to class so that they can effectively participate in classroom discussion. It is expected that all participants must sufficiently be knowledgeable enough to discuss meaningfully in class to internalise the various nuances in the concepts.

The course would be covered in 20 sessions of 90 minutes each.

The following topics would be covered in the sessions

Session Plan

1Introduction to MarketingMarketing Myopia.pdf Chapter 1 and 3 Introduction to Marketing MM I.pptx
2Strategic Marketing PlanningChapters 2 Strategic Marketing Planning.pptxThe case of ReinventionThe Case of Re-invention.pdf
3Segmentation and TargetingBEYOND MARKET SEGMENTATION_Norman.docChapter 9Targeting & Segmentation.pptx
4,5Differentiation, Positioning and PLCWhat the hell is Market Oriented.pdfPOSITIONING REVISITED.docChapter10 and 12Positioning and PLC.pptx
6Dealing with competitionChapter 12Competition.pptxCasting the net widerCASTING THE NET WIDER.pdf
7Marketing Research and Sales ForecastingChapter 4 & 5 Marketing Research and Sales Forecasting.pptxMarketing Research and Sales Forecasting.pptxThe MR process.pptx
8,9, 10Product development, Product and Brand managementChapters 13 & 15 1.Product  Management.pptxBrand Management MMI.pptxGoodyear: The Aquatred launchGoodyear Aquatred launch case.pdf
11Services MarketingChapter 142.Services Marketing.pptx
12,13PricingHow Do You Know When the Price Is Right.docHow to fight a  Price War.docChapter 163.Pricing.pptxThe Case of the Pricing PredicamentThe case of the pricing predicament.pdf
14, 15Channel Management Chapters 21 & 224.Distribution and Logistics.pptx
16B 2 B MarketingChapter 7B2B.pptxCopperia Ltd.Copperia.pdf
17Marketing CommunicationsChapters 17 and 18 5.Marketing Communications.pptx
18Marketing ControlThe Marketing Audit Comes Of Age.docChapter 238.Monitoring and Control.pptx
19,20Assignment Presentations

Cases would be given a week before it is taken up in class. Participants are advised to thoroughly analyze the case prior to coming to class. Any participant may be invited to present the case in class.


Attendance and class participation 15%
Two quizzes @15%30%
End term Examination40%

The quizzes may be taken without notice. Participants are advised to be ready to take the quiz at any time during the classes. The tests would assess both conceptual understanding and applications



1) Marketing Management -, 15th Edition - Kotler, Keller, Koshy and Jha

Optional readings

1) Positioning - Al Ries and Jack Trout
2) Marketing Warfare - Al Ries and Jack Trout

Magazines and Newspapers

1) Business India
2) Business World
3) Business Today

1)The Economic Times
2)The Financial Express
3)The Business Standard
4) The Mint